1990s Alternative
The best '90s alternative music essentials! Tune in to the greatest alt-rock bands and the top so...
Alternative Rock Classics
Classic Alternative rock with a '90s-era focus
2000s Alternative
Alternative rock hits in a new century
Classic Alternative: The Grind
Classic alternative rock's edgier side
Metal for the Masses
Looking for something heavier? Start here
100 Greatest Hard Rock Songs
These tracks rock, and they're at the top
Indie & Alt-Rock Guitar Heroes
Indie and alternative rock's top guitar slingers
Rock Out Workout
For when you want to work out something other than your neck...
Nu Metal/Post Grunge
Big, loud rock from Shinedown, Godsmack, Disturbed, and Five Finger Death Punch
Rock for the People
'90s/2000s heavy rock focus, with killer new music plus a few classic gems
2010s Alternative
The best Alternative from the past decade!
This Is Music: 1995
It's been three decades since these tracks ruled the airwaves and MTV...
The Multiverse
From Alternative to Zydeco and ABC to ZZ Top, it's genre-defying, decades-spanning eclecticism.
Music from "PEN15"
Maya's & Anna's favorite millennial hits from Hulu's hit "cringe" comedy -- Backstreet Boys, Dest...
Rock Guitar Heroes featuring Eddie Van Halen
Classic & alternative rock guitarists, featuring the work of Eddie Van Halen (1955-2020)
Rock Alphabet: "W" wields Wonder
Whipping up deep cuts from Wings, Winwood, War, The Who, and there'll be no avoiding Widespread P...
Alt & Modern Rock: 1995
Driving the mid-90s at their best with the year's best tracks.
Music from "Supernatural"
We celebrate 15 seasons of the CW's hit dark fantasy series. Enjoy the music of easons 'Supernatu...
Classic Alternative 2001
Weezer, Gorillaz, Coldplay, and Alien Ant Farm -- the top alternative rock of 2001
Rockin' 1998
Everclear, Goo Goo Dolls, Metallica, and the rise of "nu metal"
Karla Orr's Five-Star Radio
An eclectic mix of rock, pop, and soul from Karla, who listens in Canada. This trip includes 1,00...
Crystal Eidson's Five-Star Radio
Enjoy these treasures from Alternative, Techno, '60s Jazz, '70s Classic Rock, and more. Crystal i...
Classic Alternative 2002
Top alt tracks of 2002: The Strokes, White Stripes, Chili Peppers, the Hives, 311, and Flaming Li...
Alternative Rock 1999
It was the year of Everlast, Lit, Filter, Len, Hole, Moby, Korn, and Fatboy Slim
House Blend: Classic Rock Guitar Heroes + Indie & Alt-Rock Guitar Heroes
A blend of two rock guitar channels
House Blend: HitKast Rock + Nu Metal + '90s Classic Rock
A rockin' blend created by Chelsea, an AccuRadio listener in Calgary.
Music from "Yellowstone"
The Western-toned Americana of Paramount's Kevin Costner-led streaming hit.
Class of '95: Music of 1991-95
The biggest hits of your school days, plus some "oh wow's" for the '95 graduates
Class of '99: Music of 1995-99
The age of Backstreet Boys, Alanis, the Wallflowers, and Shania
Class of '96: Music of 1992-96
It was "No Diggity," Beck's Odelay, and Céline's Falling Into You that made the Class of '96 soun...
Class of '97: Music of 1993-97
Smash Mouth, Biggie, Jewel, and Chumbawamba hit big when you graduated
Class of '98: Music of 1994-98
Goo Goo Dolls, Lauryn Hill, Jewel, Semisonic, and New Radicals popped for your commencement